Webinar Replays

Here you can find the recordings of our last webinars to watch re-live.
If you would like to participate live in our next webinars, please contact us or one of our partners. We will then contact you with further information.

Broadcasted: September 9th, 2021

Piezo shockwave therapy – a key role in the multimodal treatment of CPPS

Redner: Dr. med. Volker Stolzenbach,
Specialist in orthopedic medicine and special pain therapy
Broadcasted: November 6th, 2020

Treatment of calcific tendinopathy
of the shoulder explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: October 7th, 2020

Treatment of pain syndromes
of the hip explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: September 15th, 2020

Piezo shockwave for the
application of bone injury

Presenter: Anders Broegaard,
Doctor of Chiropractic
Broadcasted: July 31st, 2020

Treatment of patellar tendinopathy
explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: June 22nd, 2020

Myofascial Pain & Triggerpoints:
Treatment with the focused shockwave

Presenter: Dr. Hannes Müller-Ehrenberg, Specialist in orthopedics and treatment of myofascial pain
Broadcasted: May 27th, 2020

What you always wanted to know
about piezo shockwave technology

Presenter: Friedrich Kalthoff,
Managing Director Elvation Medical
Broadcasted: May 12th, 2020

Treatment of CPPS and
Peyronie’s disease with the PiezoWave²

Presenter: Dr. Igor Motil, leading expert for
shockwave therapy in urology in Europe
Broadcasted: May 10th, 2021

Managing Football Injuries with
Shockwave Therapy

Presenter: Anthony Greenhouse,
Physiotherapist of Manchester City Football Club
Broadcasted: October 21st, 2020

Treatment of achilles tendinopathy
explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: September 23rd, 2020

Treatment of tibial stress syndrome
explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: September 9th, 2020

Treatment of pseudarthrosis
explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: July 22nd, 2020

Treatment of tennis and golfer’s
elbow explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: June 16th, 2020

Treatment of plantar heel pain
explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: May 20th, 2020

Boost your treatment options
with piezo shockwave

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: May 8th, 2020

Shockwave Therapy for
Erectile Dysfunction

Presenter: Dr. Igor Motil, leading expert for
shockwave therapy in urology in Europe
Broadcasted: September 9th, 2021

Piezo shockwave therapy – a key role in the multimodal treatment of CPPS

Redner: Dr. med. Volker Stolzenbach,
Specialist in orthopedic medicine and special pain therapy
Broadcasted: May 10th, 2021

Managing Football Injuries with Shockwave Therapy

Presenter: Anthony Greenhouse,
Physiotherapist of Manchester City Football Club
Broadcasted: November 6th, 2020

Treatment of calcific tendinopathy of the shoulder explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: October 21st, 2020

Treatment of achilles tendinopathy explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: October 7th, 2020

Treatment of pain syndromes of the hip explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: September 23rd, 2020

Treatment of tibial stress syndrome explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: September 15th, 2020

Piezo shockwave for the application of bone injury

Presenter: Anders Broegaard,
Doctor of Chiropractic
Broadcasted: September 9th, 2020

Treatment of pseudarthrosis explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: July 31st, 2020

Treatment of patellar tendinopathy explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: July 22nd, 2020

Treatment of tennis and golfer’s elbow explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: June 22nd, 2020

Myofascial Pain & Triggerpoints:
Treatment with the focused shockwave

Presenter: Dr. Hannes Müller-Ehrenberg, Specialist in orthopedics and treatment of myofascial pain
Broadcasted: June 16th, 2020

Treatment of plantar heel pain explained on the patient

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: May 27th, 2020

What you always wanted to know about piezo shockwave technology

Presenter: Friedrich Kalthoff,
Managing Director Elvation Medical
Broadcasted: May 20th, 2020

Boost your treatment options
with piezo shockwave

Presenter: Mirjam Mayer,
Application Specialist ELvation Medical
Broadcasted: May 12th, 2020

Treatment of CPPS and
Peyronie’s disease with the PiezoWave²

Presenter: Dr. Igor Motil, leading expert for shockwave therapy in urology in Europe
Broadcasted: May 8th, 2020

Shockwave Therapy for
Erectile Dysfunction

Presenter: Dr. Igor Motil, leading expert for shockwave therapy in urology in Europe